1: γράφω
(Strong's #1125 — Verb — grapho — graf'-o )

"to write," is rendered "describeth" in Romans 10:5 , AV, "For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the Law ...;" this the RV corrects to "For Moses writeth that the man that doeth the righteousness which is of the Law ... " See WRITE.

2: λέγω
(Strong's #3004 — Verb — lego, — leg'-o )

"to say," is rendered "describeth" in Romans 4:6 , AV, "David describeth the blessedness ...;" this the RV corrects to, "David pronounceth blessing upon ..." This might be regarded as the meaning, if David is considered as the human agent acting for God as the real pronouncer of blessing. Otherwise the verb lego is to be taken in its ordinary sense of "telling or relating;" especially as the blessedness (makarismos) is not an act, but a state of felicity resulting from God's act of justification.