A — 1: μαθητής
(Strong's #3101 — Noun Masculine — mathetes — math-ay-tes' )

lit., "a learner" (from manthano, "to learn," from a root math---, indicating thought accompanied by endeavor), in contrast to didaskalos, "a teacher;" hence it denotes "one who follows one's teaching," as the "disciples" of John, Matthew 9:14; of the Pharisees, Matthew 22:16; of Moses, John 9:28; it is used of the "disciples" of Jesus (a) in a wide sense, of Jews who became His adherents, John 6:66; Luke 6:17 , some being secretly so, John 19:38; (b) especially of the twelve Apostles, Matthew 10:1; Luke 22:11 , e.g.; (c) of all who manifest that they are His "disciples" by abiding in His Word, John 8:31; cp. John 13:35; 15:8; (d) in the Acts, of those who believed upon Him and confessed Him, John 6:1,2,7; 14:20,22,28; 15:10; 19:1 , etc.

John 8:3115:8
A — 2: μαθήτρια
(Strong's #3102 — Noun Feminine — mathetria — math-ay'-tree-ah )

"a female disciple," is said of Tabitha, Acts 9:36 .

A — 3: συμμαθητής
(Strong's #4827 — Noun Masculine — summathetes — soom-math-ay-tace' )

means "a fellow disciple" (sun, with, and No. 1), John 11:16 .

Acts 1:15
B — 1: μαθητεύω
(Strong's #3100 — Verb — matheteuo — math-ayt-yoo'-o )

is used in the Active Voice, intransitively, in some mss., in Matthew 27:57 , in the sense of being the "disciple" of a person; here, however, the best mss. have the Passive Voice, lit., "had been made a disciple," as in Matthew 13:52 , RV, "who hath been made a disciple." It is used in this transitive sense in the Active Voice in Matthew 28:19; Acts 14:21 .