1: ἄγγελος
(Strong's #32 — Noun Masculine — angelos — ang'-el-os )

"a messenger, an angel, one sent," is translated "messenger," of John the Baptist, Matthew 11:10; Mark 1:2; Luke 7:27; in the plural, of John's "messengers," Luke 7:24; of those whom Christ sent before Him when on His journey to Jerusalem, Luke 9:52; of Paul's "thorn in the flesh," "a messenger of Satan," 2—Corinthians 12:7; of the spies as received by Rahab, James 2:25 . See ANGEL.

2: ἀπόστολος
(Strong's #652 — Noun Masculine — apostolos — ap-os'-tol-os )

"an apostle," is translated "messengers" in 2—Corinthians 8:23 regarding Titus and "the other brethren," whom Paul describes to the church at Corinth as "messengers of the churches," in respect of offerings from those in Macedonia for the needy in Judea; in Philippians 2:25 , of Epaphroditus as the "messenger" of the church at Philippi to the Apostle in ministering to his need; RV marg. in each case, "apostle." See APOSTLE.