1: γάλα
(Strong's #1051 — Noun Neuter — gala — gal'-ah )

is used (a) literally, 1—Corinthians 9:7; (b) metaphorically, of rudimentary spiritual teaching, 1—Corinthians 3:2; Hebrews 5:12,13; 1—Peter 2:2; here the meaning largely depends upon the significance of the word logikos, which the AV renders "of the word," RV "spiritual." While logos denotes "a word," the adjective logikos is never used with the meaning assigned to it in the AV, nor does the context in 1—Peter 1:23 compel this meaning. While it is true that the Word of God, like "milk," nourishes the soul, and this is involved in the exhoration, the only other occurrence in the NT is Romans 12:1 , where it is translated "reasonable," i.e., rational, intelligent (service), in contrast to the offering of an irrational animal; so here the nourishment may be understood as of that spiritually rational nature which, acting through the regenerate mind, develops spiritual growth. God's Word is not given so that it is impossible to understand it, or that it requires a special class of men to interpret it; its character is such that the Holy Spirit who gave it can unfold its truths even to the young convert. Cp. 1—John 2:27 .