1: ἀρνέομαι
(Strong's #720 — Verb — arneomai — ar-neh'-om-ahee )

"to deny, renounce, reject," in late Greek came to signify "to refuse to acknowledge, to disown," and is translated "to refuse" in Acts 7:35; Hebrews 11:24 . See DENY , No. 1.

2: παραιτέομαι
(Strong's #3868 — Verb — paraiteomai — par-ahee-teh'-om-ahee )

for the various meanings of which see AVOID , No. 3, denotes "to refuse" in Acts 25:11; 1—Timothy 4:7; 5:11; 2—Timothy 2:23 , RV (AV, "avoid"); Titus 3:10 , RV (marg., "avoid;" AV, "reject"); Hebrews 12:25 (twice), perhaps in the sense of "begging off." See EXCUSE , INTREAT , REJECT.

3: δοκιμάζω
(Strong's #1381 — Verb — dokimazo — dok-im-ad'-zo )

"to prove, to approve," used with a negative in Romans 1:28 , is translated "they refused," RV (AV, "they did not like"); RV marg., "did not approve." See APPROVE , No. 1.

Matthew 18:17 HEAR1—Timothy 4:4REJECT.