1: ἁμαρτωλός
(Strong's #268 — Adjective — hamartolos — ham-ar-to-los' )

lit., "one who misses the mark" (a meaning not to be pressed), is an adjective, most frequently used as a noun (see SINFUL); it is the most usual term to describe the fallen condition of men; it is applicable to all men, Romans 5:8,19 . In the Synoptic Gospels the word is used not infrequently, by the Pharisees, of publicans (tax collectors) and women of ill repute, e.g., "a woman which was in the city, a sinner," Luke 7:37; "a man that is a sinner," Luke 19:7 . In Galatians 2:15 , in the clause "not sinners of the Gentiles," the Apostle is taking the Judaizers on their own ground, ironically reminding them of their claim to moral superiority over Gentiles; he proceeds to show that the Jews are equally sinners with Gentiles.

Luke 13:4