1: ἱμάτιον
(Strong's #2440 — Noun Neuter — himation — him-at'-ee-on )

"an outer garment," is rendered "vesture" in Revelation 19:13,16 , AV (RV, "garment"). See APPAREL , No. 2.

2: ἱματισμός
(Strong's #2441 — Noun Masculine — himatismos — him-at-is-mos' )

used of "clothing in general," is translated "vesture" in Matthew 27:35 , AV, in a quotation from Psalm 22:18 (RV, following the better texts, omits the quotation); in John 19:24 , AV and RV; see CLOTHING , No. 4.

3: περιβόλαιον
(Strong's #4018 — Noun Neuter — peribolation — per-ib-ol'-ah-yon )

is translated "vesture" in Hebrews 1:12 , AV (RV, "mantle"). See COVER , B, No. 1.