Isaiah 5:6 (b) Briers are symbols of the little bothersome troubles that hurt and hinder GOD's people. GOD promised to send them on Israel because of their disobedience. Briers are small, not as large as thorns, but they are very painful and troublesome. (See also under THORNS, THISTLES, NETTLES and BRAMBLES. See also Isaiah 7:23; Isaiah 32:13; Ezekiel 28:24).

Isaiah 9:18 (b) GOD's wrath is to be kindled so greatly that He would cease dealing with His people by small punishments, but rather would abandon them to their enemies. (See also Isaiah 10:17).

Isaiah 27:4 (b) Man's antagonism to GOD is compared to the little brier which is so easily destroyed, and which is so inconsequential. (See also Ezekiel 2:6).

Isaiah 55:13 (c) Here the brier is a type of human troubles which are to be replaced by GOD's blessings. (See under THISTLE).

Micah 7:4 (a) The brier in this case represents a little, weak, frail man who thinks he is somebody, when he really is a cipher ( Galatians 6:3). This man sets himself up against GOD, and GOD in derision compares him to the little, weak, troublesome brier that is soon destroyed.

Hebrews 6:8 (b) Briers in this case represent hateful, harmful and hurtful expressions that come from the heart of one who knows better, and who should be producing fruit and flowers for GOD. GOD does not bless briers. The one who produces them will surely come under the curse of GOD.