Genesis 15:9 (c) This covenant was instituted by GOD with Abram; and the animals used in establishing the covenant were to assure Abram that though his people would be in the furnace of Egypt suffering under the lash and slavery, yet through it all the sacrifice would be effective for them, and they would be able to maintain a light for GOD through all their tribulation. Probably the various animals mentioned represent different aspects of the value of the sacrifice in the eyes of men. (See also Leviticus 12:6; Leviticus 14:22).

Leviticus 1:5, Leviticus 1:10, Leviticus 1:14 (c) This small offering, the dove, may represent a small view or knowledge of CHRIST, which is often the case with some converts. They only see that JESUS saves, and they trust Him to do it. Other converts have a greater knowledge of CHRIST, the "lamb" understanding of the value of CHRIST. Others have a very large grasp of the truth when they are saved, and this is the "bullock" aspect.

Psalm 74:19 (a) Asaph, the song leader for David, compares himself to this weak, powerless and defenseless bird. He desired the protecting care of the Almighty GOD because of his own weakness.

Isaiah 38:14 (a) This is a type of one who is depressed, discouraged and disconsolate.

Jeremiah 48:28 (b) Here is a type of one who has tried every refuge and then finally flies to CHRIST to hide under His protection and care.

Matthew 3:16 (a) Here is represented the manner in which the Spirit descended. The Spirit did not look like a dove, neither did JESUS look like a sheep. The Spirit descended in great sweeping spirals as a dove descends and rests upon the ground. The passage refers only to the action and the manner in which the Spirit descended, and does not refer to the shape of the Holy Spirit for none of the persons of the Godhead are shaped like the animal with which they are compared or contrasted. (See also Mark 1:10, Luke 3:22, John 1:32).

Song of Solomon 2:14 (a) Some believe that the church is referred to in this passage, and others believe that it is the Lord JESUS. It seems more likely to be the church, for the church is weak and helpless, and the rock probably represents the Lord JESUS in whom we Christians hide. (See also Song of Solomon 5:2; Song of Solomon 6:9).

Hosea 7:11 (a) Ephraim is a name applied to backsliding Israel. In this passage she is compared to this poor, simple, helpless bird which is a prey to every enemy. (See also Hosea 11:11).