Job 20:8 (a) By this figure is described the evanescent and transient character of the wicked man who appears on earth for a little while, and then disappears. (See also Isaiah 29:7).

Psalm 73:20 (a) All the prosperity and activity of the wicked has no more value in GOD's sight than a dream has to any person after he awakens.

Psalm 126:1 (a) The marvelous transformation of Israel, from being the tail of the nations to being the head, did not seem to be a reality. They could hardly believe it was true.

Jeremiah 23:28 (a) The vagaries and mental wanderings of ungodly, religious leaders are called "dreams" and are contrasted with GOD's Word. Dreams are like the chaff, having no value whatever. GOD's Word is like the wheat, which contains life, and gives life.