Deuteronomy 32:42 (b) This is a figure to describe the excessive destruction that will follow the wrath of GOD upon Israel or the nations in their disobedience.

2 Kings 19:24 (a) The conquering heathen king by this figure describes the victory he obtained over his enemies and the joy that he had in conquering them. (See Isaiah 37:25).

Song of Solomon 5:1 (a) Solomon is expressing by this means the exquisite pleasure he had in reveling in all the good things of life which he had so abundantly.

Isaiah 51:17 (a) Here we find a type of the experience of Israel, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, in being forced to absorb the anger of GOD and the pouring of His wrath upon them.

Isaiah 63:6 (b) This is a picture of the terrible condition of the people when GOD's anger is once released against them.

Jeremiah 46:10 (a) By this figure we are told that the land of Egypt was completely overwhelmed and overcome by the sword of GOD's wrath through His servant, Nebuchadnezzar. (See also Jeremiah 51:57 where the same truth pertains to Babylon).

Ezekiel 34:18 (a) The Lord is reproving the shepherds of Israel because they took for themselves the best of the land, its riches and its increase, while neglecting to care for the flock of GOD.

Revelation 17:2 (a) The great false church, particularly Romanism, has offered to the world freedom of lust, liberty in sin, cruelty in action, and the great powers of the world have reveled in these liberties, so that the nations that are controlled by this church act accordingly. Those who are under the domination of this wicked influence live in ignorance and poverty and revel in their evil ways.

Revelation 17:6 (a) This no doubt refers to the wicked practices of the great false religions of the world, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, which through the centuries has reveled in the blood of saints and martyrs. Even to this day, those who love our Lord Jesus CHRIST are murdered by orders of this church in those countries where they control the government.

Revelation 18:3 (a) In this passage it is the nations who are made to drink the hatred of this abominable church, and cannot escape. It should be noted that all nations suffer from the overruling and overriding power of their apostate religion.