Psalm 74:20 (a) This expression describes the dens of iniquity, both religious and irreligious, in which evil people live their wicked lives.

Psalm 91:9 (b) This is a picture of the precious experience of one who walks with GOD and dwells in His presence by faith. It is actually the story of the life of the Lord JESUS who lived in the presence of GOD from a past eternity, and walked with His Father during His sojourn on earth.

Psalm 97:2 (a) The type is used here to describe the atmosphere of righteousness and judgment in which GOD dwells.

Jeremiah 9:6 (a) The Lord is using this figure to describe the surroundings in which Jeremiah lived, for the people were cruel, deceitful and wicked, among whom he must make his dwelling.

Habakkuk 3:11 (a) In this way we are informed that the sun, the moon and the heavenly bodies all dwell in that which would be called "home" to them.

Luke 16:9 (a) Probably this is an expression of derision on the part of the Lord. Those who live with and for the unrighteous on the earth may expect to spend eternity with them in hell.

Acts 1:20 (a) The word is used in this passage to indicate the home in which Judas and his family lived. The whole family was blotted out by the Lord, and Judas and his family had no successors. (See Psalm 109:6-19).

Ephesians 2:22 (a) The plan of GOD is to make out of each group of Christians a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. A godly church is the holiest place on earth. It is GOD's dwelling place on earth. Every true church of GOD should be like this.

Revelation 18:2 (a) This type is used to describe the great apostate church and other religious bodies that offer spiritual guidance contrary to the Word of GOD. In these religious groups, Satan and his angels are at home. They set their thrones in these evil churches. They promote cruelty, wickedness, sin and all the evils that accompany idolatry and liquor. There is no opposition to their operation. They are permitted and encouraged to grow in number and in power. These demons are free to do as they wish in these apostate groups.