Psalm 45:8 (b) This Scripture was probably fulfilled in the following passages: Matthew 2:11, Luke 7:38, Mark 14:3, John 12:3, and Revelation 5:8. This passage may refer to the Christian's mouth from which there pours forth worship, praise, adoration, and thanksgiving, which are compared to the fragrant, sweet incense of the golden altar in the temple. It may also refer to the boundless wealth of the earth which will one day belong to the Lord JESUS and will be presented to Him when He comes to rule and reign.

Song of Solomon 8:9 (b) Probably the wall represents the church, which is solid, substantial, strong and immovable. Since silver is usually a type of redemption, it must refer to the fact that the story of GOD's redemptive power and the value of the redeeming Blood are a very part of the church and is upheld by the church. It is a permanent truth.

Proverbs 30:28 (b) The spider probably represents the sinner who desires to enter into the palace of Heaven. She watches at the window or the door seeking an opportunity to enter and is not discouraged nor hindered in her quest. So the sinner would be very earnest and persistent in his quest for the Door, which is the Lord JESUS. False doctrines will be offered as a hindrance, religious leaders will give false advice, the devil will bring up many competitors. The truly repentant soul will get past all these evil teachings and get right to the Lord JESUS Himself, for He is the Door, and the only entrance to Heaven.

Luke 11:21 (b) The strong man in this passage is the devil. His house refers to the world in all of its various characters. It refers to the religious world, the political world, the social world, the world of sports, the world of travel and beauty, the world of business, of arts and sciences. All of these are very attractive, very interesting, very delightful, and frequently very profitable. The devil uses these to keep his children, the unsaved, from JESUS CHRIST. He does not want them to find the Saviour, nor even to feel their need of the Saviour. But then the Saviour comes along their way, the Holy Spirit begins to work in the heart, and the friend sees that he is on the broad road and under the control of Satan. The Lord JESUS breaks the chains, loosens the bonds, removes the bands, and sets the prisoner free by means of the Gospel of His grace.