AMAZIAH . 1 . Son of Jehoash of Judah. He came to the throne after the assassination of his father. It is recorded in his favour ( 2 Kings 4:6 ) that although he put the murderers of his father to death he spared their children something unheard of up to that time, we infer. Our sources know of a successful campaign of his against Edom, and an unsuccessful one against Israel. In this he seems to have been the aggressor; and after refusing to hear the advice of Jehoash, whom he had challenged to a trial of strength, he had the mortification of seeing his own capital plundered. The conspiracy by which he perished may have been prompted by his conduct in this war. In the matter of religion he receives qualified praise from the author of Kings ( 2 Kings 14:3 f.), while the Chronicler accuses him of gross apostasy ( 2 Chronicles 25:14 ff.). 2 . The priest at Bethel who opposed the prophet Amos ( Amos 7:10 ff.). 3 . A Simeonite ( 1 Chronicles 4:34 ). 4 . A Merarite ( 1 Chronicles 6:45 ).

H. P. Smith.