SUCCOTH-BENOTH ( 2 Kings 17:30 ). A deity whose image was made and set up in Samaria by the colonists from Babylon. ‘Benoth’ (LXX [Note: Septuagint.] Banith ) suggests ‘Banitu’ as it appears in the name Zarpanîtu in the inscriptions Zer-banitu the wife of Marduk, patron god of Babylon. But there is no certainty. Sayce (in Hastings’ DB [Note: Dictionary of the Bible.] ) suggests that ‘Succoth’ may denote the ‘processional shrines’ in which the images were carried, ‘Benoth’ being corrupted from Belith or Betit , the classical Beltis , a common title and synonym of Zer-banîtu .

W. Ewing.