EFFEM'INATE, a. L. effoeminatus, from effoeminor, to grow or make womanish, from foemina, a woman. See Woman.

1. Having the qualities of the female sex soft or delicate to an unmanly degree tender womanish voluptuous.

The king, by his voluptuous life and mean marriage, became effeminate, and less sensible of honor.

2. Womanish weak resembling the practice or qualities of the sex as an effeminate peace an effeminate life.
3. Womanlike, tender, in a sense not reproachful.

EFFEM'INATE, To make womanish to unman to weaken as to effeminate children.

EFFEM'INATE, To grow womanish or weak to melt into weakness.

In a slothful peace courage will effeminate.