EX'ERCISE, n. s as z. L. exercitium, from exerceo Eng. work.

In a general sense, any kind of work, labor or exertion of body. Hence,

1. Use practice the exertions and movements customary in the performance of business as the exercise of an art, trade, occupation, or profession.
2. Practice performance as the exercise of religion.
3. Use employment exertion as the exercise of the eyes or of the senses, or of any power of body or mind.
4. Exertion of the body, as conducive to health action motion, by labor, walking, riding, or other exertion.

The wise for cure on exercise depend.

5. Exertion of the body for amusement, or for instruction the habitual use of the limbs for acquiring an art, dexterity, or grace, as in fencing, dancing, riding or the exertion of the muscles for invigorating the body.
6. Exertion of the body and mind or faculties for improvement, as in oratory, in painting or statuary.
7. Use or practice to acquire skill preparatory practice. Military exercises consist in using arms, in motions, marches and evolutions. Naval exercise consists in the use or management of artillery, and in the evolutions of fleets.
8. Exertion of the mind application of the mental powers.
9. Task that which is appointed for one to perform.
10. Act of divine worship.
11. A lesson or example for practice.

EX'ERCISE, L. exerceo.

1. In a general sense, to move to exert to cause to act, in any manner as, to exercise the body or the hands to exercise the mind, the powers of the mind, the reason or judgment.
2. To use to exert as, to exercise authority or power.
3. To use for improvement in skill as, to exercise arms.
4. To exert one's powers or strength to practice habitually as, to exercise one's self in speaking or music.
5. To practice to perform the duties of as, to exercise an office.
6. To train to use to discipline to cause to perform certain acts, as preparatory to service as, to exercise troops.
7. To task to keep employed to use efforts.

Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense towards God and men. Acts 24

8. To use to employ.
9. To busy to keep busy in action, exertion or employment.
10. To pain or afflict to give anxiety to to make uneasy.

EX'ERCISE, To use action or exertion as, to exercise for health or amusement.