FOOT, n. plu. feet. L. pes, pedis. Probably this word is allied to the Gr. to walk, to tread. Eng. verb, to tread.

1. In animal bodies, the lower extremity of the leg the part of the leg which treads the earth in standing or walking, and by which the animal is sustained and enabled to step.
2. That which bears some resemblance to an animal's foot in shape or office the lower end of any thing that supports a body as the foot of a table.
3. The lower part the base as the foot of a column or of a mountain.
4. The lower part the bottom as the foot of an account the foot of a sail.
5. Foundation condition state. We are not on the same foot with our fellow citizens. In this sense, it is more common, in America, to use footing and in this sense the plural is not used.
6. Plan of establishment fundamental principles. Our constitution may hereafter be placed on a better foot.

In this sense the plural is not used.

7. In military language, soldiers who march and fight on foot infantry, as distinguished from cavalry.

In this sense the plural is not used.

8. A measure consisting of twelve inches supposed to be taken from the length of a man's foot. Geometricians divide the foot into 10 digits, and the digit into 10 lines.
9. In poetry, a certain number of syllables, constituting part of a verse as the iambus, the dactyl, and the spondee.
10. Step pace.
11. Level par. obs.
12. The part of a stocking or boot which receives the foot.

By foot, or rather, on foot, by walking, as to go or pass on foot or by fording, as to pass a stream on foot. See the next definition.

To set on foot, to originate to begin to put in motion as, to set on foot a subscription. Hence, to be on foot, is to be in motion, action or process of execution.


1. To dance to tread to measure or music to skip.
2. To walk opposed to ride or fly. In this sense, the word is commonly followed by it.

If you are for a merry jaunt, I'll try, for once, who can foot it farthest.


1. To kick to strike with the foot to spurn.
2. To settle to begin to fix. Little used.
3. To tread as, to foot the green.
4. To add the numbers in a column, and set the sum at the foot as, to foot an account.
5. To seize and hold with the foot. Not used.
6. To add or make a foot as, to foot a stocking or boot.