GRA'CIOUS, a. L. gratiosus.

1. Favorable kind friendly as,the envoy met with a gracious reception.
2. Favorable kind benevolent merciful disposed to forgive offenses and impart unmerited blessings.

Thou are a God ready to pardon, gracious and

merciful. Nehemiah 9

3. Favorable expressing kindness and favor.

All bore him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded from his mouth. Luke 4 .

4. Proceeding from divine grace as a person in a gracious state.
5. Acceptable favored.

He made us gracious before the kings of Persia. Little used. 1Esdras.

6. Renewed or implanted by grace as gracious affections.
7. Virtuous good.
8. Excellent graceful becoming.