KNOCK, nok.

1. To strike or beat with something thick or heavy as, to knock with a club or with the fist to knock at the door. We never use this word to express beating with a small stick or whip.
2. To drive or be driven against to strike against to clash as when one heavy body knocks against another.

To knock under, to yield to submit to acknowledge to be conquered an expression borrowed from the practice of knocking under the table, when conquered.

KNOCK, nok. To strike to drive against as, to knock the head against a post.

1. To strike a door for admittance to rap.

To knock down, to strike down to fell to prostrate by a blow or by blows as, to knock down an ox.

To knock out, to force out by a blow or by blows as, to knock out the brains.

To knock up, to arouse by knocking. In popular use, to beat out to fatigue till unable to do more.

To knock off, to force off by beating. At auctions, to assign to a bidder by a blow on the counter.

To knock on the head, to kill by a blow or by blows.

KNOCK, n. nok. A blow a stroke with something thick or heavy.

1. A stroke on a door, intended as a request for admittance a rap.