MEM'ORY, n. L. memoria Gr. to remember, from mind, or the same root. See Mind.

1. The faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of past events, or ideas which are past. A distinction is made between memory and recollection. Memory retains past ideas without any, or with little effort recollection implies an effort to recall ideas that are past.

Memory is the purveyor of reason.

2. A retaining of past ideas in the mind remembrance. Events that excite little attention are apt to escape from memory.
3. Exemption from oblivion.

That ever-living man of memory,

Henry the fifth.

4. The time within which past events can be remembered or recollected, or the time within which a person may have knowledge of what is past. The revolution in England was before my memory the revolution in America was within the author's memory.
5. Memorial monumental record that which calls to remembrance. A monument in London was erected in memory of the conflagration in 1666.
6. Reflection attention.

MEM'ORY, To lay up in the mind or memory. Not used.