NEW, a.

1. Lately made, invented, produced or come into being that has existed a short time only recent in origin novel opposed to old, and used of things as a new coat a new house a new book a new fashion a new theory the new chimistry a new discovery.
2. Lately introduced to our knowledge not before known recently discovered as a new metal a new species of animals or plants found in foreign countries the new continent.
3. Modern not ancient.
4. Recently produced by change as a new life.

Put on the new man. Ephesians 4 .

5. Not habituated not familiar unaccustomed.

Heretics and such as instill their poison into new minds.

New to the plough, unpracticed in the trace.

6. Renovated repaired so as to recover the first state.

Men, after long emaciating diets, wax plump, fat and almost new.

7. Fresh after any event.

New from her sickness to that northern air.

8. Not of ancient extraction or a family of ancient distinction.

By superior capacity and extensive knowledge, a new man often mounts to favor.

9. Not before used strange unknown.

They shall speak with new tongues. Mark 16 .

10. Recently commenced as the new year.
11. Having passed the change or conjunction with the sun as the new moon.
12. Not cleared and cultivated, or lately cleared as new land.
13. That has lately appeared for the first time as a new star.

New is much used in composition to qualify other words, and always bears its true sense of late, recent, novel, fresh as in new-born, new-made, new-grown, new-formed, new-found. In this use, new may be considered as adverbial, or as a part of the compound.

NEW, To make new. Not used.