ODD, a.

1. Not even not divisible into equal numbers as one, three, five, seven, &c.

Good luck lies in odd numbers.

2. Left or remaining after the union, estimate or use of even numbers or remaining after round numbers or any number specified as the odd number the odd man.

Sixteen hundred and odd years after the earth was made, it was destroyed by a deluge.

3. Singular extraordinary differing from what is usual strange as an odd phenomenon.

It sometimes implies dislike or contempt as an odd fellow.

4. Not noted unheeded not taken into the common account.

There are yet missing some few odd lads that you remember not.

5. Uncommon particular.

The odd man to perform all three perfectly is Joannes Sturmis.

6. Uncommon in appearance improper or not likely to answer the purpose. This is an odd way of doing things.

Locke's Essay would be an odd book for a man to make himself master of, who would get a reputation by his critical writings.

7. Separate from that which is regularly occupied remaining unemployed. I will take some odd time to do this business. He may do it at odd times.