RAM, n. See the Verb.

1. The male of the sheep or ovine genus in some parts of England called a tup. In the United States, the word is applied, I believe, to no other male, except in the compound ram-cat.
2. In astronomy, Aries, the sign of the zodiac which the sun enters on the 21st of March, or a constellation of fixed stars in the figure of a ram. It is considered the first of the twelve signs.
3. An engine of war, used formerly for battering and demolishing the walls of cities called a battering-ram. See Battering-ram.

RAM, L. ramus, a branch that is a shoot or thrust. Heb. See Cram.

1. To thrust or drive with violence to force in to drive down or together as, to ram down a cartridge to ram piles into the earth.
2. To drive, as with a battering ram.
3. To stuff to cram.