RIDGE, n. L. rugo.

1. The back or top of the back.
2. A long or continued range of hills or mountains or the upper part of such a range. We say, a long ridge of hills, or the highest ridge.
3. A steep elevation, eminence or protuberance.

Part rise in crystal wall, or ridge direct.

4. A long rising land, or a strip of ground thrown up by a plow or left between furrows. Psalms 65 .
5. The top of the roof of a building.
6. Any long elevation of land.
7. Ridges of a horse's mouth, are wrinkles or risings of flesh in the roof of the mouth.


1. To form a ridge as bristles that ridge the back of a boar.
2. In tillage, to form into ridges with the plow. The farmers in Connecticut ridge their land for maize, leaving a balk between two ridges.
3. To wrinkle.