SER'PENT, n. L. serpens, creeping serpo, to creep.

1. An animal of the order of Serpentes, creepers, crawlers, Of the class of Amphibia. Serpents are amphibious animals, breathing through the mouth bymeans of lungs only having tapering bodies, without a distinct neck the jaws not articulated, but dilatable, and withour feet, fins or ears. Serpents move along the earth by a winding motion, and with the head elevated. Some species of them are viviparous, or rather ovi-viviparous others are oviparous and several species are venomous.
2. In astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, containing, according to the British catalogue, sixty-four stars.
3. An instrument of music, serving as a base to the cornet or small shawm, to sustain a chorus of singers in a large edifice. It is so called for its folds or wreaths.
4. Figuratively, a subtil or malicious person.
5. In mythology, a symbol of the sun.