SH'AFT, n. L. scapus from the root of shape, from setting, or shooting, extending.

1. An arrow a missile weapin as the archer and the shaft.

So loftly was the pile, a Parthian bow

Whith vigor drawn must send the shaft below. Dryden.

2. In mining, a pit or long narrow opening or entrance into a mine. This may possibly be a different word, as in German it is written schacht, Dan. skaegte.
3. In architecture, the shaft of a column is the body of it, between the base and the capital.
4. Any thing straight as the shaft of a steeple, and many other things.
5. The stem or stock of a fether or quill.
6. The pole of a carriage, sometimes called tongue or neap. The thills of a chaise or geg are also called shafts.
7. The handle of a weapon.