SHORT, a. L. curtus.

1. Not long not having great length or extension as a short distance a short ferry a short flight a short piece of timber.

The bed is shorter than a man can stretch himself on it. Isaiah 28 .

2. Not extended in time not of long duration.

The triumphing of the wicked is short. Job 20 .

3. Not of usual or suffifient length, reach or extent.

Weak though I am of limb, and short of sight. Pope.

4. Not of long duration repeated at small intervals of time as short breath.
5. Not of adequate extent or quantity not reaching the point demanded, desired or expected as a quantity short of our expectations.

Not therefore am I short

Of knowing what I ought. Milton.

6. Deficient defective imperfect. This account is short of the truth.
7. Not adequate insufficient scanty as, provisions are short a short allowance of water for the voyage.
8. Not sufficiently supplied scantily furnished.

the English were inferior in number, and grew short in their provisions.