SUPE'RIOR, a. Sp.L. from super, above.

1. Higher upper more elevated in place as the superior limb of the sun the superior part of an image.
2. Higher in rank or office more exalted in dignity as a superior officer a superior degree of nobility.
3. Higher or greater in excellence surpassing others in the greatness, goodness or value of any quality as a man of superior merit, of superior bravery, of superior talents or understanding, of superior accomplishments.
4. Being beyond the power or influence of too great or firm to be subdued or affected by as a man superior to revenge.

There is not on earth a spectacle more worthy than a great man superior to his sufferings.

5. In botany, a superior flower has the receptacle of the flower above the germ a superior germ is included within the corol.

SUPE'RIOR, n. One who is more advanced in age. Old persons or elders are the superiors of the young.

1. One who is more elevated in rank or office.
2. One who surpasses others in dignity, excellence or qualities of any kind. As a writer of pure English, Addison has no superior.
3. The chief of a monastery, convent or abbey.