1: ἀνάκειμαι
(Strong's #345 — Verb — anakeimai — an-ak-i'-mahee )

"to be laid up, to lie," is used of reclining at table, and translated "leaning (on Jesus' bosom)" in the AV of John 13:23 , RV, "reclining" (for John 13:25 see No. 2). In John 13:28 , it is translated "at the table," lit., "of (those) reclining." See GUEST , RECLINE , SIT , TABLE (at the).

2: ἀναπίπτω
(Strong's #377 — Verb — anapipto — an-ap-ip'-to )

lit., "to fall back" (ana, "back," pipto, "to fall"), is used of reclining at a repast and translated "leaning back, (as he was, on Jesus' breast)" in John 13:25 , RV (the AV follows the mss. which have epipipto, and renders it "lying"); in John 21:20 , "leaned back," the Apostle's reminder of the same event in his experience. See SIT.