שלכּ? , Leviticus 11:17; Deuteronomy 14:17; a large sea bird. It is about three feet four inches in length, and four feet two inches in breadth from the tips of the extended wings. The bill is about five inches long, and of a dusky colour; the base of the lower mandible is covered with a naked yellowish skin, which extends under the throat and forms a kind of pouch. It has a most voracious appetite, and lives chiefly upon fish, which it devours with unceasing gluttony. It darts down very rapidly upon its prey; and the Hebrew, and the Greek name, καταρακτης , [a cataract,] are expressive of its impetuosity. The word קאת , which in our version of Isaiah 34:11 , is rendered cormorant, is the pelican.