
(v. t.) To strike; to slap; to strike, or strike together, with a quick motion, so, as to make a sharp noise; as, to clap one's hands; a clapping of wings.


(v. i.) To talk noisily; to chatter loudly.


(v. i.) To knock, as at a door.


(n.) A loud noise made by sudden collision; a bang.


(v. t.) To express contempt or derision.


(n.) A single, sudden act or motion; a stroke; a blow.


(n.) A striking of hands to express approbation.


(n.) Noisy talk; chatter.


(n.) The nether part of the beak of a hawk.


(n.) Gonorrhea.


(n.) A burst of sound; a sudden explosion.


(v. i.) To enter with alacrity and briskness; - with to or into.


(v. i.) To strike the hands together in applause.


(v. i.) To come together suddenly with noise.


(v. t.) To manifest approbation of, by striking the hands together; to applaud; as, to clap a performance.


(v. t.) To thrust, drive, put, or close, in a hasty or abrupt manner; - often followed by to, into, on, or upon.