Deuteronomy 21:23 (c) This word represents GOD's wrath against the sinner. It is manifest in many ways throughout the Scriptures.

  • Sometimes it is a nation that is accursed.
  • Sometimes it is an individual.
  • Sometimes it is that which the world would call a "blessing," for the Lord said, "I will curse your blessings," Malachi 2:2. This passage may refer to the so-called "blessings" given by great ecclesiastical leaders which frequently are cursed by GOD.

Joshua 6:18 (c) In this passage all that was in the city of Jericho belonged to GOD. Not a bit of it was to be taken by any man. The word is used here to indicate that what is GOD's property becomes an accursed thing to the one who takes it unlawfully and wrongfully.