Genesis 4:5 (c) He is a type of a self-righteous person who disdains the sacrifice of the Lamb and offers to GOD the labor of his own hands for his sins. He is one who believes in salvation by works and character building.

Hebrews 11:4 (c) He represents any person who offers to GOD the products of his own life, imagination, and thought as a sacrifice for his sins instead of the Blood of the Lamb.

1 John 3:12 (a) He indicates any person, who, in order to sustain and maintain his own evil ways, desires by hook or crook to get rid of his righteous and Godly associates.

Judges 1:11 (a) This is a picture of those who reject the sacrifice of CHRIST, pursue a path of religious activity, and offer it to GOD instead of the merits of the Saviour.