Exodus 25:31 (c) This is a type of the Holy Spirit illuminating all the things of GOD.

  • the pure gold represents the purity of the Spirit and of His Word.
  • the seven branches or stems represent the fullness and completeness of the revelation of the Spirit.
  • the bowls represent the great provision of the Spirit. - the flowers represent the beauty of the Spirit.

Some Bible expositors feel that the candlestick also represents GOD's people, and certainly it does in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 1:20 (a) Here we certainly find a type of the church as she gives light on the Scriptures and reveals CHRIST by her ministries. The Lord JESUS Himself said that the "seven candlesticks are the seven churches." These candlesticks reveal that the seven lessons given through the seven churches present full and complete light on what the Spirit says to us about GOD's will. Each church is to present an unsullied, pure light from Heaven to a dark and sinful world.

Revelation 2:5 (a) This is clearly a type of the testimony of an individual or of a church wherein the person and work of CHRIST no longer are properly presented to the public.

Revelation 11:4 (a) These are two mysterious men sent from GOD with great power to make known His judgment on the earth sometime in the future days. They will give the light of GOD to the enemies of GOD. They bear GOD's testimony in a hostile land. Some think these are Moses and Elijah. The context clearly indicates that these candlesticks are types of real men.