Isaiah 28:1 (a) The glory of Israel had departed and their country had been ravished and destroyed. The word "fade" is used to describe that desolation.

Isaiah 40:7-8 (a) When the curse of GOD is on the people, all their blessings depart and drought, pestilence and the sword destroy all signs of prosperity. The word "fade" is used here to describe that scene of desolation.

Isaiah 64:6 (a) This is a marvelous comparison of the autumn leaves with people who have reached old age. Some leaves fade into sear, yellow, curled, worm-eaten objects which no one admires. They are raked and burned. Other leaves fall and are more beautiful than when they were on the trees. The beautiful crimson, scarlet, or golden tints, the orange shades, the glassy surface, make some leaves a beautiful work of art. These leaves are often saved because of their beauty. So it is with people; some, as they grow older, become crabbed, sour, and most difficult to live with. When they die, they are hurried away. No one cares. Others grow more beautiful and more delightful as the years go by. They are a joy to all who know them. When they die, they are sadly missed and their memory is cherished. (See also Isaiah 1:30).

Ezekiel 47:12 (a) Here is a graphic picture of a church or a community in which the Spirit of GOD is working unhindered. The trees represent the Godly leaders, the preachers, the teachers, who are feeding the saints of GOD with heavenly manna, and whose testimonies (leaves) are bright, constant and unfailing.

James 1:11 (a) As the flower wilts and withers when there is no rain and the sun is hot, so the rich man will droop as age comes on and the pleasures of life fail.

1 Peter 1:4 (b) This is an expression used to compare the earthly inheritance that shrivels and shrinks with the heavenly inheritance which grows brighter and better.