Exodus 25:33 (b) By this figure is represented the beauty of the testimony of the church, of the individual Christian, and of the Holy Spirit. Those who testify to the things of GOD should live beautiful lives and thus exemplify the doctrine. (See Exodus 37:19; 1 Kings 6:18).

Job 14:2 (a) Man's birth is thus compared to the development of the flower. After certain processes the full bloom appears. First there is the development of the bud in various stages, and finally the full bloom.

Job 15:33 (a) In this way the Lord describes the failure of the hypocrite to succeed in life, and to develop into that which GOD would like him to be.

Isaiah 18:5 (a) In this way GOD describes the destruction of Egypt in her industries and in her efforts to build up a world-wide power.

Isaiah 28:1-4 (a) This is a promise from GOD that He will destroy the beauty of Israel, the cities, villages, valleys and fields because of their evil doings.

Isaiah 40:6-8 (a) This word is used to describe man's best works, and his greatest achievements. (See also James 1:10-11; 1 Peter 1:24).