Job 5:7 (a) As the sparks ascend heavenward from the fire, so we should speed our way at once to GOD when trouble comes.

Psalm 18:10 (a) This figure represents the speed with which GOD will come to the rescue of David when in trouble. (See also Daniel 9:21; Isaiah 6:6; Isaiah 60:8; Luke 15:20. Some think this passage may refer to the airplane).

Proverbs 23:5 (a) Here is a very fine picture of the way that our money and other assets disappear. Usually it is a slow disappearance. When the eagle flies away toward Heaven it gets smaller and smaller to our vision until finally it disappears. So sometimes our health and our wealth gradually disappear until we are left hopeless, hapless and helpless.

Jeremiah 48:40 (a) By this expression the Lord is describing the speed with which He would destroy the country of Moab.

Ezekiel 13:20 (c) This may represent the wiles of evil women who would and did lure men from GOD's path of righteousness.

Habakkuk 1:8 (a) This is the way GOD describes the speed of the Chaldeans when they invaded Israel.