Genesis 24:51 (c) In this passage the servant represents the Holy Spirit who brings gifts from the Father and the Son to the bride who will one day be at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Jewels are made by GOD. Men polish them and make them fit to be worn by the queen. These gems represent people which have been taken by the Lord, worked upon by Him, and prepared to bring joy to His heart throughout eternity. Only the Holy Spirit can do this work in the heart and life of a believer.

Proverbs 11:22 (a) This gem represents the attractiveness, loveliness and beauty of an unsaved woman. The swine with the snout represents the unrighteous life which this beautiful woman may live. The woman herself needs to be saved, and become a child of GOD, then these gems of beauty will really adorn the person.

Proverbs 20:15 (a) Beautiful and wise words adorn the lives of those who walk with GOD, and seek to please Him in their conversation.

Song of Solomon 1:10 (c) This is a lover's comment on the beauty and the sweetness of the one to whom he is attracted. (See also Song of Solomon 7:1; Isaiah 61:10). The joints represent her graceful movements and actions, making her attractive in all her work and ministry for her lover. Her words from the mouth are beautiful and her ways are also attractive.

Ezekiel 16:12 (a) In this way is described the graces and beautiful characteristics which GOD gave to Israel in her balmy days of prosperity. (See also vss. Ezekiel 16:17 and Ezekiel 16:39; Ezekiel 23:26).

Malachi 3:17 (b) GOD's people are compared to beautiful gems. Through the vicissitudes of life they are polished and made fit for His presence. In Heaven GOD puts together for eternity those Christians who seem best suited to each other, whose nature makes them beautiful together, and probably they were those who lived and served together on the earth. Tares were bound in bundles to be burned, while GOD's people were arranged together to be honored and blessed.