Deuteronomy 14:21 (b) This is a type of the life of a young person. The milk which should have sustained the little kid was used instead to boil it. The Lord does not want us to use for destructive purposes that which He has given us for constructive use. The practice of stewing the kid in the mother's milk was observed by oriental farmers as a means of blessing on their crops. They would make the stew, mix water with it to give volume, and then sprinkle this over the fields in order to make them fertile and more productive. The Lord warns people not to resort to these heathen expedients but rather to look to Him and depend upon Him for blessing on their fields and crops. (See also Exodus 23:19 and Exodus 34:26). (See also under MILK).

1 Samuel 10:3 (c) This is probably a type of the Lord JESUS, the young man, offered as a sacrifice. As each of these three men had an entire kid for himself, so each believer may have all of the Lord JESUS for himself. CHRIST is not divided. All of His ministry, all of His work, all of His grace is for each individual believer.

Luke 15:29 (c) This is a type of the Lord JESUS unrecognized, unused, and unappreciated by those who should have known Him best.