2 Peter 2:3 (a) This is a very real and true figure or picture of that which happens in many religions. The devotees of many religious sects are absolutely bound to the rule and laws of their religion. Their leaders can do anything they wish to them, even to the suffering of the body. Men are only free in those groups where the Lord JESUS CHRIST is loved and trusted, and His Word is believed, accepted and practiced. There are religious slaves by the millions (See Revelation 18:13 Marg).

Matthew 22:5 (c) This is a type of any kind of business which allures and entices one away from the Lord JESUS and His fellowship.

John 2:16 (c) We see here a picture of any worldly enterprise brought into the house of GOD wherein His house loses its holy character and becomes a place for commercial enterprise.

Revelation 18:12-13 (b) This is a word to describe the great traffic carried on by the church, principally the Roman Catholic Church, which buys and sells vast quantities of various articles for the promotion and maintenance of its many activities. Included in this merchandise are the bodies and the souls of men which the Roman Catholics buy and sell for a profit.