Job 4:19 (b) This insect which weighs very little is used as a type of GOD's wrath in its least and lightest form. This, falling on mortal man, crushes him and wrecks him.

Psalm 39:11 (a) In this passage natural human beauty is compared to this insect in that it is quickly and easily lost, crushed and destroyed, even as this insect may be easily destroyed.

Isaiah 50:9 (b) This type indicates the way the Lord uses little things to remove great things. Little troubles, little difficulties, little adversities destroy peace, joy, zeal, earnestness and even faith, just as a little moth will destroy a large, expensive garment.

Hosea 5:12 (a) The destructive insect eating away at the cloth is a picture of the way our Lord would quietly and slowly deal with Israel, taking away his blessings, one by one, and leaving them as a damaged garment, with no strength, no beauty and no power.

Matthew 6:19 (c) By this is represented decay in the animal kingdom from the moth, decay in the mineral kingdom by the rust, decay in the human kingdom by the thieves. All of these ruin and destroy the things we lay up for ourselves on the earth.