Micah 1:8 (b) The prophet thus describes the utter desolation of Israel. By this unclothed illustration, Israel was to know of that which was to happen to them. (See v11).

Habakkuk 3:9 (a) GOD's words of judgment were clearly revealed without camouflage or deception.

2 Corinthians 5:3 (a) Since we cannot take any garments with us when we die, we must have His robe of righteousness, or else we would be in the presence of GOD without a garment. We cannot come into GOD's presence unclothed. GOD has provided a robe of righteousness, and a garment of salvation. It may be also that the Lord is referring in this passage to the changed bodies which we shall have in the resurrection. It will be identical with the present bodies which we own, but will be incorruptible, and will be free from all pain, suffering and deterioration. (See also Revelation 3:18).

Hebrews 4:13 (b) The Lord is telling us again the same truth that He gave us in Genesis 3:7. He tells us very clearly that nothing can be hidden from GOD. He can see through any covering, any false religion, any false teachings, any excuses that the sinner may use to cover his sins, iniquities, trespasses and transgressions.

Revelation 3:17 (a) GOD is telling these people that their real condition is seen and known by Him. Nothing about them or their lives is hidden from His eyes.

Revelation 16:15 (a) GOD sees these people as having no covering at all, unless it is the robe of righteousness which He gives to those who trust in Him, and belong to Him.

Revelation 17:16 (a) The false church is to be stripped of all her pretense and false claims, and will be seen in all her wickedness. All her evils will be exposed.

2 Samuel 7:9 (a) This represents a great and good reputation. It means the same in most of the passages in which it is mentioned, as in Isaiah 55:13, and Jeremiah 13:11.

Proverbs 22:1 (a) The good reputation of a man is of more value than earthly possessions. (See Ecclesiastes 7:1; Isaiah 56:5; Isaiah 63:12; Jeremiah 32:20; Zephaniah 3:20).

John 1:12 (a) We are not told in this passage which name the Lord is referring to. The Lord JESUS has somewhere around two hundred names in the Bible. Each name indicates an office which He bears, and a service which He renders. The Lord is using a common principle in this passage, for if we are sick we seek for one whose name is physician. If the teeth need attention, we seek for a dentist. If the car needs fixing we seek for a mechanic. The name indicates the work which the person can do, and is really a title. Probably in the passage we are considering the name referred to is "Saviour." As we pass along the streets of life and realize that We need to be saved from our sins, and from the penalty of them, We find this wonderful Man whose Name is Saviour, and we at once commit our cause and our case to Him. He does the saving, and therefore we prove that we believe in His Name when we take advantage of that name or title and trust our all to Him.

Romans 10:13 (a) Again in this passage we do not find mentioned what name we call upon. It may be that it is the name "Lord." Certainly we are saved when JESUS CHRIST becomes our Lord. His lordship is put first, ahead of His other many names. Those who appeal to Him in this way find He is ready and willing to save.