Leviticus 21:18 (c) This organ is the organ of discernment by which one can tell whether any substance is spoiled or good, whether an animal is alive or dead, whether anything is sweet or sour. One whose nose is broken has difficulty in discerning by smelling any of these things. In the spiritual sense, it represents one who cannot discern between what has come from GOD, and what is the product of man's brain. He does not discern that which comes from Satan and that which comes from GOD. He does not know what is good for the soul, and what is evil. Such a person cannot possibly be a leader of GOD's people, for he cannot discern right from wrong.

2 Kings 19:28 (b) In this graphic way the Lord is describing His control over the King of Assyria as when the farmer controls the bull by putting a ring in his nose. GOD is assuring His people that He will lead the King of Assyria away, back to his own land, and will save Israel from the invader. (See Isaiah 37:29).

Song of Solomon 7:4 (a) Solomon is exalting the Person of CHRIST in some Scriptures and in others He is exalting the Church. In this passage he evidently is talking about the Bride, the Church, and indicates that she has great powers of discernment, able to discern GOD's ways, and able to judge well the things that are for GOD's glory, and those that are not.

Isaiah 65:5 (b) This figure represents the delicate feelings of GOD against those who are proud and self-sufficient. They are an offense to GOD. He has no pleasure in them.

Ezekiel 8:17 (b) Our Lord noticed the actions of His enemies. This act of putting the branch of a bush or the twig of a tree to the nose was an expression of contempt, derision and hatred against GOD. It is the oriental equivalent to the more modern method of thumbing the nose. It also has the same thought as is expressed by Paul in Galatians 6:7. One of the commentators on this Scripture is: "GOD will not let you turn up your nose at Him."

Ezekiel 23:25 (a) The Lord is telling us in this passage that the Assyrians will invade Israel and will destroy their ability to serve acceptably, or to hear effectively, or to be of any blessing whatever in their land, or to each other.