Matthew 12:29 (a) This figure is used to describe the unsaved, the ungodly, the non-Christian who are in the grasp of Satan, and are described by JESUS Himself as "children of the Devil." He holds absolute power over them, and they carry out his will and plan. They can only be released from Satan's chains by the power of the Lord JESUS CHRIST through His Gospel, and by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. (See Mark 3:27; Luke 11:21).

Matthew 25:14 (b) JESUS thus describes the business of GOD, the work and labor of the Gospel, and all Christian ministry as GOD's "goods." These are entrusted to us to invest well for Him. It refers also to the talents, gifts and various abilities of the people of GOD which should be invested for the Lord. It refers also to the temporal possessions, such as money, the hospitality of the home, and other such things, which also should be invested for the glory of GOD.