This word represents a pledge or advance payment as proof that the promise will be fulfilled.

Genesis 9:12 (b) The rainbow is GOD's testimony that He will never again send a universal flood to destroy life upon the earth.

Genesis 17:11 (b) Circumcision is a permanent mark on the men of Israel to remind them of GOD's unconditional promises to Abraham, and their identification with that covenant.

Exodus 3:12 (b) Moses received this token on Mt. Sinai. The people had been delivered from Egypt, had safely crossed the sea, had been preserved as they traveled through the wilderness. They were now gathered around Moses on the mount. This was the proof that he was GOD's chosen leader.

Exodus 12:13 (b) The Blood of the lamb was the evidence and proof to GOD that the people within the house believed His Word. It represents the precious Blood of CHRIST, applied by faith to our hearts, wherein we testify that we believe GOD and His Word.

Numbers 17:10 (c) Aaron's rod in the presence of GOD was the evidence to be used against the rebellious people of Israel, if there should ever be a question of GOD's righteousness in punishing Korah and his company. It is also a type of the evidence against wicked sinners, manifested in the wounds of JESUS CHRIST, and His subsequent glory. The wounded CHRIST on the throne of Heaven, exalted by GOD, is sufficient proof that CHRIST is GOD's son, GOD's servant, even though men reject Him.

Mark 14:44 (c) This may be taken as a type of the false provision and the vain conversation of hypocrites who enter the fold of the church for the sake of making money.

2 Thessalonians 3:17 (b) Paul's signature on his letters, even though they were dictated by him, was proof that they were genuine and orthodox.