Jeremiah 4:14 (a) The cleansing of the soul and heart from evil sin is compared to a washing. It is the thought of taking advantage of the blood of the sacrifices, or of the Word of GOD, or of the Spirit of GOD, to put away things that are wrong in the sight of GOD in order that the person may be cleansed from the evil. It occurs many times throughout the Scriptures. (See also Job 29:6; Psalm 51:2, Psalm 51:7; Isaiah 1:16; Jeremiah 2:22).

Matthew 27:24 (a) Pilate evidently thought that by this procedure he could take away the sin of his soul. He was using a Jewish custom.

Ephesians 5:26 (b) The cleansing effect of the Word of GOD on the ways and activities of His Church is thus described.

1 Timothy 5:10 (b) This type represents any gracious hospitality rendered by a godly hostess to her Christian guest.

Hebrews 10:22 (b) By this type is described the cleansing of the Word of GOD on the habits and activities of the person whose body is given to the Holy Spirit as His temple. (See also Psalm 119:9).

2 Peter 2:22 (b) This represents the moral cleansing brought about in the lives of those who seek by their own efforts to get rid of their evil ways and habits, thinking that thereby they will be Christians. The pig that is washed still stays a pig.

Revelation 7:14 (b) It represents the act of faith whereby the believing sinner trusts in the Lord JESUS CHRIST who, by His own Blood, makes the believer clean and white in GOD's sight.