This word is used to describe the manner of life which is lived by both saved and unsaved. Sometimes it is a good way called the "narrow way." Sometimes it is the road which the wicked travel down to destruction. Some samples are given of these two ways.

Genesis 24:42 (a) The servant of Abraham is referring to the path he took and the course he pursued in carrying out the instructions of Abraham. (See Genesis 24:27).

Psalm 110:7 (b) This is a reference to the life of our Lord as He walked through the desolate scenes of earth. He refreshed His heart from the ministry of the Spirit and communion with His Father.

Psalm 119:1 (b) By this is described the general path of life which the Christian enters at the new birth and pursues on his way to Heaven. Christianity is a way of living, a manner of life. (See also Acts 9:2).

Psalm 119:29 (a) There are those who persistently live a life of deceit in seeking to obtain position, power and wealth. This is the course referred to in this verse. (See also Psalm 139:24).

Proverbs 14:12 (a) Satan is very clever in devising a path of life that seems to be the right way to Heaven. Every false religion teaches one of the ways of Satan. These paths or programs appear to be all right to the person who does not know GOD, nor the teachings of the Scriptures. Every one of these paths of living are opposed to the one way which is CHRIST JESUS. Everyone is a substitute for CHRIST JESUS. These seem right to men, but they end in hell. (See also Proverbs 16:25).

Isaiah 59:8 (a) GOD has a path for His people in which peace with GOD rules and reigns. It is a way of rest in which CHRIST blots out the sins, GOD the Father justifies the soul, the Holy Spirit directs the path, and there is no fretting nor worrying. It is GOD's path for everyone of His children. (See also Romans 3:17).

John 14:6 (a) Here we see a beautiful description of the Person of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, the only one who can bring us to the Father. He only can make us fit for Heaven, He only has the right and the power to take us to GOD.